Cindy-Lee served in the South African Police for 23 years. During her career she performed many tasks, but the victim support she lent to victims of abuse, influenced her transition from Policewoman to Professional Counselor. That- and her obedience to Jesus Christ.
Cindy-Lee has a passion for the dis-empowered, and works in tandem with NPOS through workshops and motivational speaking, to impact the lives of women.
Although she refrains from labeling herself as an artist, she writes creatively, sculpts and teaches dance. It is therefore no surprise that her area of specialty is utilizing creative arts as part of therapy.
Her current doctoral research is based on Christian Art Therapy.
"I am absolutely enthralled at how King David of the bible wrote poetry, danced and made music as a coping mechanism in all his difficulties" - Cindy-Lee Visagie
And if Creative Arts is not your outlet, she is equipped to guide you alternatively.
This is a Professional Christian Counselling Services registered at CCSA (SCO 0636) and the ACC in SA (7106), for the spiritual and mental well being of Teenagers and Adults.