Westerford opened at the beginning of January 1953, housed in an old homestead which no longer exists. The site was originally known as Westervoort, but the school was known as Claremont Secondary School from the name of the school which shared a property with a small primary school on Dean Street. The pupils from Claremont Secondary School initially transferred their desks to the new property at the end of 1952.
Noel Taylor, the first headmaster, began referring to the institution as Westerford Secondary School and in 1953 the Cape School Board recognised the name. In 1957 when the first pupils matriculated the school became Westerford High School.
The institution enjoyed rapid growth from 29 pupils in its first year and grew further until 1959 when a new hall, named for the first headmaster, was opened as part of new school buildings for the 504 pupils and 27 staff members.